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Road Saftey

  Mulugeta Getu Sisay, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, August 24/2018 -I recently read an article by Ayele Gelan (PhD), who authored an excellent but also provocative economic commentary which was published on Addis Standard last month. I could not resist my impulses and decided to write my perspective on …

Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba, May 30/2018 – Twenty four Ethiopians were killed in two separate car accidents in Amhara and Oromia regional states on Tuesday May 29 and Monday May 28, respectively. On Tuesday May 29, eighteen people were killed and eight more were injured in a car crash in Ch’ach’a …

    Addis Abeba, March 13/2008 – 38 people were killed yesterday in a tragic traffic accident in Legambo wereda, South Wollo Zone in Amhara regional state, when the bus they were traveling in tumbled off a cliff, according  to the Amhara mass media agency. Lagambo is located some 482 …