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PM Abiy Ahmed

Shimelis Mulugeta Kene, PhD & Solen Feyissa, PhD Although seldom framed and understood as such, the current political conflict in Ethiopia has its roots in disagreement among the elite on how to narrativize Ethiopian history. Addis Abeba, September 30/2020 – There is an enduring disunity among Ethiopian elites regarding its …

By Wallelign Shemsedin Addis Abeba, August 26/2020 -Time and again our politics has been continuously squandering opportunities that could have otherwise facilitated the country’s path towards a democratic rule. The 1974 revolution would have been a marvelous moment to initiate the long journey to democracy had it not been spoiled …

By Rashid Abdi @RAbdiCG Ethiopia’s delicate transition is under severe strain. A ferocious burst of communal violence in July, touched off by the murder of a popular Oromo singer, which claimed some 160 lives, underscored the grave conflict risks the populous Horn of Africa nation faces. Addis Abeba, August 13/2020 …