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PM Abiy Ahmed

By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne Addis Abeba, December 22/2020 – Prime minister Abiy Ahmed is holding discussions with residents of Metekel Zone in Benishagul Gumuz regional state. According to state affiliated FanaBC, the discussion focused on finding lasting ways to resolve the security crisis in the area. The attendees include Minister …

Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, December 16/2020 – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s stellar speech about freedom of press on world freedom day is fresh in the memory of many Ethiopians who were full of optimism about the reform that swept the nation at the time. At the 26th World Press Freedom Day …

By Jawar Mohammed @Jawar_Mohammed Introduction Addis Abeba, October 28/2020 – For the last half century or more, there has been a continuous struggle to establish a democratic system in Ethiopia. Starting with the Neway brothers’ aborted coup to the latest Qeerroo victory over the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) …