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PM Abiy Ahmed

    Addis Abeba, June 02/2018 – The Council of Ministers in its today’s regular meeting has approved a draft law that lifts the current state of emergency , according to Fitsum Arega, Chief of Staff, Prime Minister’s office. Fitsum said: “the draft will be sent to Parliament for its …

Liyat Fekade Addis Abeba, May 18/2018 – After the tragic killing of three staffs of the Dangote Cement Ethiopia office, the government moves to reassure investors both in the country and those eying the country as their next business destination to “provide the level of support and protection required by …

Addis Standard staffs Addis Abeba, May 15/2015 – In a meeting with senior government officials including members of his cabinet, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said the government was investigating foreign bank accounts held by senior government officials, a source who attended the meeting told Addis Standard. During the meeting …