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PM Abiy Ahmed

  Jawar Mohammed, for Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 14/2018 – Since the Neway Brothers’ attempted coup d’etat of 1960, generations of Ethiopians have fought and died for the ideals of a democratic republic where the rights, dignity and equality of citizens are respected and protected by law. Though the …

  Editorial Addis Abeba, June 12/2018 – Comments on the “no-war, no-peace” status between Ethiopia and Eritrea can be viewed and/or assessed from three levels. At the diagnostic level, it is argued (rightly) that the border dispute that was presented as the official reason behind the outbreak of the war …

   PM Abiy Ahmed greeting the crowd during his trip to Ambo, the epicenter of the Oromo protests,  in the first two weeks of his premiership Getachew T. Alemu, Special to Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 08/2018 – It takes a simple scanning of daily headlines to learn that Ethiopia …