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Addis Abeba, August 2019 – Ayantu Desta, 33, is a civil servant working at Nedjo Woreda Transport Authority Office and lives in Nedjo town, in West Wollega Zone of Oromia regional state. She is married and has three children. When the IDPS from Benishangul Gumuz region crowded Nedjo town in …

From Hige Mengist to Hige Hager. ከህገ መንሥት ወደ ህገ ሀገር/ስርኣት Leenco Lata, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, May 17/2019 – My primary objective in writing this very brief essay is to contend that “Hige Mengist” is a mistranslation of the English term “Constitution” despite the decades-old practice of treating …

Henock B. Taddese (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, January 04/2018 – In the sweltering heat of a Washington DC summer day, thousands flocked to catch a glimpse of, hear from, and on the off chance, meet and embrace the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed. This level of …