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Dejen Yemane Messele, @MesseleDejen Addis Abeba, May 05/2020 – Marking the 79th anniversary of the patriots’ victory day over the five brief years (1936-1941) Italian occupation gives us the opportunity to remember the patriotic resistance of our forefathers and foremothers. Remembrance of the victory and the prices that the then …

Belete A. Desimmie, @adbelete, (MD, PhD), for Addis Standard Addis Abeba, March 24/2020 – Physicians and other healthcare workers have answered the internal call to action to halt the spread of COVID-19 and are doing what they have been called upon and trained to do – taking care of patients. …

Yeshiwas Degu Belay, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, March 02/2020 – In one of the most popular and timeless Ethiopian songs, “Adwa”, Artist Ejigayehu Shebabaw (Gigi) resonates the 19th Century heroic citizenship and the symbolic, cultural and political importance, not only to Ethiopians but also to the black people as …