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By Eyob Beyene Addis Abeba, June 12, 2021 – Ever since Abiy Ahmed was installed as Prime Minister in 2018 by the then ruling EPRDF party, following the 2016-2018 popular unrest, Ethiopia and Ethiopians have been continuously experiencing massive displacements, political violence, conflicts, and wars of varying scales.  Although the …

By Ayele Gelan @AyeleGelan Addis Abebe, June 10, 2021 – The recent US government sanction on Ethiopia has exacerbated polarization of public opinion among Ethiopians both at home and abroad. As it happens, even in normal times, political discourse in Ethiopia comes in black and white. If one adds any …

By Asress Adimi Gikay @RealAsressGikay Addis Abeba, June 9, 2021 – The Ethiopian Parliament enacted a modern law governing security rights in movable assets in 2019. The Movable Property Security Rights Proclamation was drafted with the assistance of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Enacted in response to the dire need …