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Darfur, an area the size of France, had gripped the world when a civil war broke in 2003 and lasted for three years claiming the lives of an estimated 300, 000 Darfuris and 2.7 million Drfuries internally displaced. It’s a complicated civil war with complicated players involved, and any peace …

Mark N. Katz Russia and China have vetoed a UN Security Council resolution seeking to induce Syria’s Assad regime to stop killing its own citizens. Moscow has been particularly vociferous about preventing “external interference” in Syria or of even supporting the call for Bashar al-Assad to cede power to his vice …

Dear Editor, The January  issue of Addis Standard (The AUC – coming of age at 10) repeats false allegations previously published on December 7th , 2011 by the South African newspaper Business Day  alleging that the European  Union Foreign Policy Chief, Catherin Ashton is campaigning in Africa to have Nkosizana …