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Dear Editor I read your cover story on the terrible fate of black African asylum seekers in Israel (Israel not safe for African asylum seekers, July 2012) with a mixed feeling of anger and frustration. What is happening to black African asylum seekers in Israel is no different than what …

Dear Editor It is really a great honor for me to be one of your readers. Every month I buy your magazine either from a shop or I get it from a friend who is your admirer. But the recent issue of your magazine about Islam in Ethiopia (What went …

  Mark N. Katz The United States and other Western countries have been highly critical of Russia for supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. There are, however, some uncomfortable similarities between Russian policy toward Syria and U.S. policy toward Bahrain. Both Syria and Bahrain are ruled by undemocratic minority regimes. In Syria, the Assad regime is drawn from the country’s …