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Mekdelawit Messay Deribe @Mekdi_Messay Addis Abeba, April 14/2020 – Following the renewed disagreement between Egypt and Ethiopia over  the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) after the failed Washington talks, it seems like the international media have given the utmost attention to the issue. While the spotlight on the GERD is …

Arkebe Oqubay Addis Abeba, March 13/2020 – The COVID-19 coronavirus – which has now spread to more than 100 countries – has pushed the world into “uncharted territory,” according to World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom. So far, Africa has recorded relatively few infections, but there is no reason to …

Yeshiwas Degu Belay, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, March 02/2020 – In one of the most popular and timeless Ethiopian songs, “Adwa”, Artist Ejigayehu Shebabaw (Gigi) resonates the 19th Century heroic citizenship and the symbolic, cultural and political importance, not only to Ethiopians but also to the black people as …