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By Michel Rocard PARIS – We live in a time of progress and folly. From bullet trains to the Mars rover, humanity has an insatiable appetite for pushing boundaries and breaking records. But, while radical ambition can drive progress, it can also fuel recklessness and large-scale devastation, as we see …

By Carlos Lopes On August 19th,  like every night, Africa’s creative talent was showcased across the continent. In Cape Town, South African opera stars Andiswa Kedama and Pauline Malefane’s voices  captivated audiences while they perform U-Carmen eKhayelitsha, a Xhosa adaptation of Bizet’s famous opera. In Agadez, internationally acclaimed guitarist and …

Taye Negussie (PhD) Ever since its assumption of power in 1991, the current ruling Ethiopian Peoples’ Democratic Front (EPRDF) has been persistently coining varied rhetoric and discourses apparently with the view to validate and sustain its unremittingly single-handed reign ad infinitum. And, these rhetoric and discourses come in different forms …