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By Robert Skidelsky LONDON – Since I believe that the Scots are sensible, I think that they will vote “no” this week to independence. But, whichever way the vote goes, the spectacular rise of nationalism, in Scotland and elsewhere in Europe, is a symptom of a diseased political mainstream.

By Daoud Kuttab RAMALLAH – The rollout of the war-ending ceasefire agreement between Israel and Palestine last month was impressive. With almost perfect synchronization, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced the end of the war on Gaza in a televised broadcast from his Ramallah headquarters, while Hamas leaders called on Palestinians …

By Carlos Lopes I was born in Canchungo, in the northwestern part of Guinea-Bissau. Images of a beautiful canvas of green landscape crisscrossed by abundant waterways, thick forest, vast expanses of mangroves, pristine islands and coastlines, teeming with rich marine life, remain etched in my memory. Today, erratic weather conditions, …