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Leenco Lata Addis Abeba, May 04/2020 – Two approaches have been tried to date with the view to forging Ethiopia’s unity. Since both have proven unsustainable, it is high time to consider a third alternative. Both of the approaches that have been attempted to date have faulted their intended purposes …

Jawar Mohammed, @Jawar_Mohammed Addis Abeba, May 03/2020 – On March 30 the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has announced that it would not be in a position to conduct the national and regional elections scheduled for August 20 this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 30 the …

Yohannes Kinfu (PhD) A personal perspective on managing COVID-19 Addis Abeba, April 22/2020 – Few events, in our shared humanity, have divided and united the world at the same time as COVID-19. In most, if not all parts of the world, flights are largely suspended, dis-connecting the web of nations. …