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Dear Editors, We were dismayed at seeing a one-sided article being released by your publication that erroneously places blame on us for an atrocity committed in Horo Guduru on Orthodox Christians. What is further confusing is you based this assertion on the account of a single individual. We would like to …

By Mohamed-Taqwim Badel Ali @taqwiim99 Addis Abeba, August 25/2020 – Somali region is one of the Ethiopia’s 10 regional states, the largest in land mass with an estimated population of 7-8 million, inhabited by the third largest ethnic group after Oromo and Amhara. And it is one of the least …

Berihun Adugna Gebeye (S.J.D.),@BerihunAdugna Addis Abeba, June 24/2020 – Yoweri Museveni in his book “What is Africa’s problem?” observes that the longer presidents stay in power, the more difficult it gets to remove them democratically. There is no better example for the validity of his observation than himself. He has …