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Kjetil Tronvoll (@KjetilTronvoll), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, March 26/2019 – The Ethiopian government, and its regional states’ authorities, are increasingly facing challenges to enforce order and security control over the territory of the federation. Several areas are allegedly not administratively ‘connected’ to the center, but run by local groupings …

 Hoola Halaleho Ambaye Ogato (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, February 18/2019 – With the coming of prime minister Abiy Ahmed and his reformist agenda, a political change has been sweeping Ethiopia like never before. PM Abiy has introduced significant transformation and his reform initiatives have been gathering pace. Optimism …

Stephanie Jay, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, February 15/2019 – Prime Minister Abiy’s recent speech at the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos was not without irony. In his speech, Abiy full-heartedly embraced the neoliberal doctrine of the free market – improving the ‘ease of doing business’, the power of the private sector, …