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  Editorial Addis Abeba, June 12/2018 – Comments on the “no-war, no-peace” status between Ethiopia and Eritrea can be viewed and/or assessed from three levels. At the diagnostic level, it is argued (rightly) that the border dispute that was presented as the official reason behind the outbreak of the war …

  From the Editorial Addis Abeba, March 29/2018 – Following the fall of the Soviet Union and the totalitarian political systems it spawned, a new brand of authoritarian governments emerged around the globe. In their edited volume, Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes, Tom Ginsburg and Alberto Simpser point out that the …

Editorial Addis Abeba, January 30/2018 – As of late, it doesn’t take to be a doomsayer to see (and say) that the politics in Ethiopia is at a brink of an unprecedented crisis that keep dragging its people to violence and chaos. Mentioning a few recent examples will suffice to …