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Yared Tsegaye Addis Abeba, January 29/2019 –  Freshly back from “a medical trip abroad”, Lemma Megerssa, president of Oromia regional state, expressed his support to the recent peace deal signed between the government and the rebel group OLF-SG, according to the committee formed to oversee the peace deal. Speaking to …

Addis Abeba, January 24/2019 – As part of a continued peace conference held today in Ambo, 125 km west of Addis Abeba, a peace agreement was officially signed between the government and leaders of OLF-SG. Accordingly both parties have agreed for an immediate ceasefire (as of today), to be followed …

Addis Abeba, January 13/2018 – Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) has began airstrikes in Qellem Wellega and its environs in western Oromia, a military source told Addis Standard.   According to our source, the army’s targets are “military training camps run by OLA”, the armed group of the Oromo Liberation …