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  Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba, March 04/2018 – In a televised interview with the state run EBC, Abadula Gemeda, speaker of the house of people’s representative (Ethiopian parliament) has apologized for erring the vote counting on the parliament’s approval of the controversial state of emergency. The speaker’s apology came after …

      Addis Abeba, March 03/2018 – According to Art. 93 (2) of the Ethiopian constitution the emergency decree should be “approved by a two-thirds majority vote of members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives.” This clause was invoked by the Speaker of the House, Abadula Gemeda, while presenting …

  Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, March 02/2018 –  Ethiopia’s ruling party controlled members of parliament have this morning approved the controversial state of emergency imposed by the council of ministers on February 16. The emergency decree will last for six months. According to the state affiliated media, FanaBC, of the …