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New Update: The long awaited and trice postponed executive committee of the 36 powerful bloc of the ruling EPRDF party meeting will be held as of the coming Sunday, March 11/2018, the party announced.  The party’s facebook page quoted its secretariat and newly elected chairman of the the Southern Ethiopian People’s …

  Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba March 06/2018 – Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), the largest opposition party in Ethiopia led by the recently released Dr. Merera Gudina, says it rejects Ethiopia’s reinstated state of emergency on the basis that it is “unconstitutional” and that it has no legal merit that necessitated …

    Etenesh Abera & Liyat Fekade Addis Abeba, March 05/2018 – Following the news of the state of emergency, which the speaker of the house of people’s representatives (Ethiopian parliament) said was approved by the majority in the house, albeit a “mathematical error”, which led to the speaker to …