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Addis Standard Staffs Addis Abeba, April 22/2021 – As part of a continuation of the UNSC meeting held on April 15 at a closed door meeting at the request of the US under Any other Business (AOB), members of the SC reached at a consensus and issued a statement calling …

By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane  Addis Abeba March 30/2021 – Ataklti Haileselassie, the Interim Mayor of Mekelle city, has resigned from his post, Ataklti has confirmed to Addis Standard, but said he would provide more details on the circumstances surrounding his resignation “tomorrow.” Atakliti was appointed by the federally arranged Tigray regional state interim …

Addis Abeba, March 05/2021 – The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that the United Nations “is available to support and participate in the African Union-led negotiation process on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam,” according to a telephone readout the secretary General has with Sameh Hassan Shoukry Selim, Foreign Minister of …