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Moyale Crisis

Henok Samuel, MD Addis Abeba, December 24/2018 – After the last conflict which I posted [in November this year] titled ‘The endless battle of Moyale’, the town was in a tense situation – there had been palpable fear and tension in the air and we were wary of the situation. …

Addis Abeba, December 17/2018 – Sources reaching out to Addis Standard say a deadly shooting involving the federal army which took place inside the Bekele Molla Hotel in Moyale city has claimed the lives of at least a dozen civilians. According to the information sent by sources, the incident happened …

members of the Oromia police seen grieving their slain colleagues during the funeral (Unknown location) Yared Tsegaye Addis Abeba, Nov. 30/2018 – In a statement it released following an emergency session by is executive committee, the Oromo Democratic Party (ODP), the party governing Oromia and is chaired by PM Abiy …