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This report includes interviews with both Ambassadors By Zecharias Zelalem @ZekuZelalem Addis Abeba, May 23, 2020 – Documents handed to Addis Standard by a whistleblower in late 2019 and our investigations that followed revealed that funds belonging to the Ethiopian expat community in Lebanon were misappropriated by the Ethiopian government …

Bileh Jelan @BilehJelan  & Zecharias Zelalem @ZekuZelalem Addis Abeba, May 14/2020 – Despite denial from Ethiopia’s consulate in Beirut, Lebanon that there were no Ethiopians who tested positive for COVID-19, data posted on the official website of the Lebanese Ministry of Health currently lists that out of a total of …

Zecharias Zelalem @ZekuZelalem Addis Abeba, March 26/2020 – Ethiopians who, for the most part, are women employed by Lebanese homeowners as domestic workers, have been pleading for evacuation to Ethiopia since Lebanon’s economic meltdown had left many of them out of jobs. The scarcity of employment has left little incentive …