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Internet Shutdown

By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane  Addis Abeba, January 04/2021 – Ataklti Haileselassie, Interim Mayor of Mekelle city who was appointed by the Tigray regional state interim administration, admitted the presence and participation Eritrean forces in the armed conflict in Tigray. In a video televised by Tigray TV, which is currently under the …

EHRC also said it has been “monitoring complaints of ethnic profiling of Tigrayan origin most notably manifested in forced leave from work and in stopping people from traveling overseas including on work mission, for medical treatment or studies.” Addis Abeba, November 30/2020 – In a statement it released today, the …

Addis Abeba, MArch 27/2020 – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights released a statement today in which the Rights body expressed its concerns about the continued shut down of Internet and telephone lines in western Oromia amidst the ongoing fight against the spread of COVID-19. “We are very concerned …