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Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, June 11, 2020 – Mastercard Foundation has announced a partnership with a consortium of 11 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ethiopia to repurpose their factories to manufacture personal protective equipment (PPE) in the fight against COVID-19. Mastercard Foundation will commit more than USD 3.2 million from …

Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, May 13/2020 – Zenit Yahyah, 16, is currently one of the staff members of Teki, “a social and environmental enterprise developed for and by the deaf community.” It’s an enterprise which prides itself for creating a “sustainable employment to empower deaf women while building a …

Belete A. Desimmie @adbelete, (MD,PhD), FitsumTilahum @fitse_t  (MD), Tinsae Alemayehu @tinsaetigist (MD), and Ermias Kacha @ErmiasMd (MD) Global Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Addis Abeba, March 30/2020 – As the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic unfold, the pressing question for all of us, and particularly for the general public is when will we have …