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Caption: Left: Among those detained in the Kingdom’s two prisons, Jazan and Aseer prisons, 450 were brought home on Dec. 10. Right: SIRA App Addis Abeba, December 27/2018 – “SIRA”, a new App hailed to put “job opportunities in the palms of migrant returnees”, was launched yesterday in Ethiopia. A  …

  Daniel Behailu Gebreamanuel, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, July 06/2018 – ‘The cure for an ailing democracy is more democracy’ claimed Fareed Zakaria.[1] In, Ethiopia not only our democracy is ailing but also many doubt the existence of the ‘fledgling democracy’ often jabbered about by the government until very …

Dr. Elleni enjoying a selfie with the “Kombolcha Trio” Samuel Bogale Addis Abeba, August 30/2017 – At a day-long forum held at the UN conference center on Tuesday August 29 under the theme “Ensuring Creative Innovative Spaces for Youth Engagement in Ethiopia”, three 17 year-old student innovators who traveled from …