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The case of YESH project beneficiary youth in the Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia Desalegne Tadesse Addis Abeba, April 19/2019 – Timely supply of productive and strong bee colonies is one of the major challenges commercial beekeepers in developing countries like Ethiopia face. The Young Entrepreneurs in Silk and Honey …

Getachew T. Alemu, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, April 18/2019 – A flourishing digital economy is a new feature in the dynamics of the new Ethiopia. Slower as this explosion might be compared to the case in other countries, marked by competitive telecom market, its growth and disruptive impact in …

Desalegne Tadesse Organized youth enterprises and women groups produced over 2,000kg of Eri silkworm cocoons from which they generated income about ETB200,000 (»US$7,000) in Arba Minch and Mirab Abaya Woredas of the YESH Project. Incredible opportunities created for 2,500 unemployed youth in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State …