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  Addis Abeba, Aug. 10/2018 –  Dr. Nuredin Luke is a General Practitioner working at a hospital in west Arsi zone of the Oromia regional state around Shashemene area, some 250 km south east of Addis Abeba.  But he is also a medical practitioner who uses his voice to advocate …

Mahlet Fasil, Etenesh Abera and Ephream Seleshi, Addis Standard’s team on the ground (This is their experience of what they saw on Saturday June 23 at the rally to support Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed) Addis Abeba, June 28/2018 – The emotions of the day started becoming near religious when, about …

  January 28/2018 Today hundreds of thousands of people from Ambo, a city 125 km west of Addis Abeba, and its environs came to welcome veteran opposition party leader Dr. Merera Gudina   Dr. Merera, chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC)  was released from prison last week after spending more …