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Humanitarian Crisis in Tigray

Addis Abeba, September 10/2021 – The joint investigation by the UN Human Rights Office and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) into alleged violations of human rights, humanitarian and refugee law committed by all parties to the conflict in Tigray has concluded its field work phase, with a final report …

Addis Abeba, September 07/2021 – Displaced people have few belongings and sleep in overcrowded shelters, schools or even out in the open, where they may be exposed to the rainy season and cold weather in high-altitude regions. Water, food, cash, fuel and power are highly scarce, and those who are …

Click here to download the full statement. Addis Abeba, September 03/2021 – In a statement issued yesterday, the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator for Ethiopia, Grant Leaity discussed the operational constraints affecting the humanitarian situation in northern Ethiopia and the de facto humanitarian blockade of Tigray Mr Leaity said, “With the inability …