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Humanitarian Crisis in Tigray

05 March 2021 – Eritrean armed forces massacred scores of civilians, including children as young as 13, in the historic town of Axum in Ethiopia’s Tigray region in November 2020, Human Rights Watch said today. The United Nations should urgently establish an independent inquiry into war crimes and possible crimes …

Addis Abeba, March 4/2021 – The UN Secretary General General António Guterres joined growing numbers of countries calling on Eritrean forces to leave Tigray, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric told journalists during his press briefing today. When asked if the Secretary General was “calling for Eritrean troops to leave Tigray”, Mr. …

Addis Abeba, March 04/2021 – Tigray regional state interim administration has reached at a unanimous stand on the need for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from the region. The interim administration’s bureau head Gebremeskel Kassa told the BBC Amharic that Eritrean troops are in Tigray and have “controlled areas in …