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Human Smuggling

By Zecharias Zelalem @ZekuZelalem Addis Abeba, June 26/2020 – Twenty-three year old Simon left his native Eritrea seven years ago, crossing the border into neighboring Ethiopia where he still resides. He uses remittances from relatives in Canada to rent a two room apartment in Addis Abeba’s Lafto district, which he …

Addis Abeba, March 24/2020 – More than 60 suspected undocumented migrants from Ethiopia were found dead on Tuesday in a cargo container in Mozambique’s northwest Tete province, AFP reported citing a hospital official. “A truck transporting illegal immigrants from Malawi, suspected to be Ethiopians, was stopped at the Mussacana weight …

Addis Abeba, May 31/2019 – The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has yesterday evacuated hundreds of vulnerable refugees out of Libya to safety, the agency said. The evacuees are from Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia. They include 65 children, 13 of them below a year in age. One of the children …