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Human Rights

Addis Standard staff Addis Abeba, October 23/2021 – Eskinder Nega, founder of the opposition Balderas for Genuince Democracy, has expressed his concerns to visiting officials from the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) representatives that the recent physical attack he suffered inside the Kilito prison, where he is currently kept at, …

By Dereje Gonfa  Addis Abeba, October 12/2021- Addis Standard received reports from members of both the Amhara and Oromo community in Kiramu woreda of the East wollega zone. The testimonies received from members of both communities and a community leader reveal that violence broke out on Sunday October 10, claiming …

The resolution also “calls on the UN Security Council to consider deploying UN peacekeepers to the [Tigray] region” Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, October 08/2021 – The European Parliament has on 07 October adopted a resolution demanding “immediate cessation of hostilities by all parties” and calling for wide range sanctions, …