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Human Rights

Original Title in Amharic: [ፈርዖን፡ የአምባገነኖች ተምሳሌት] Author: Ahmedin Jebel Published: Aug. 2015 Reviewed by Abadir M. Ibrahim, for Addis Standard Addis Abeba, May 12, 2017 – The author wrote the book during his time in prison, where he remains for over four and a half years at the time …

  Merhatsidk  Mekonnen  Abayneh, For Addis Standard Bahir Dar, May 9, 2017 – Being one of the first 51 founding members of the United Nations, Ethiopia’s relation with the world body is as old as the latter’s formation way back in June 1945. In fact, it was one of the …

  By Felix Horne, for Addis Standard Addis Abeba, April 21, 217 – In February 2016, an 18-year-old student who I will call Tolessa and two friends took part in their first protest, in Oromia’s East Hararghe zone. As the crowd moved forward, they were met by a line of …