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House of People’s Representatives

Darajjee Gonfaa tiin  @DerejeGonfa Finfinnee,Sadaasa 4/ 2021 – Itoophiyaatti labsiin yeroo muddamaa baatii ja’aaf turuu labsameera. Labsiin kun har’a mana maree bakka bu’oota uummataattii dhiyaachuun ragga’ee jira.  Kana malees manni maree bakka bu’oota uummataa Boordii  Qorannoo labsii yeroo muddamaa hundeeffamee jira. Walitti qabaan  bordii kanaa Lammaa Tasammaa yoo ta’u itti antuun …

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12 Addis Abeba, October 26/2021 – Four members of the Ethiopian Social Justice Party (Ezema) who recently joined the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HoPR) called on Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to appear in parliament to answer to their questions regarding the ongoing ‘war for survival’ in the …

By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, October 06/2021 – The House of People’s Representatives held the 6th round, 1st year, 1st Special Session, which has seen the formation of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s new government. MPs in today’s session also discussed and approved a draft proclamation deciding the powers and …