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Horn of Africa

PM Abiy Ahmed and President Isaias Afwerki exchanging pleasantries with Debretsion Gebremichael, deputy president of Tigray regional state yesterday during yesterday’s reopening of Bure and Zalambesa border crossings Semungus H. Gebrehiwot, for Addis Standard  Addis Abeba, September 12/2018 – A historic paradigm shift is underway in the Horn of Africa …

  Addis Abeba, Sep. 06/2018 – Following a Tripartite Summit between PM Abiy Ahmed, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, and President Isaias Awerki, the leaders of Ethiopia, the Republic of Somalia and Eritrea, respectively, which took place yesterday in Eritrea’s capital Asmara, the trio issued a four pillar  comprehensive joint declaration …

  Mukerrem Miftah (Dr.,), For Addis Standard  Addis Abeba, July 03/2018 – For the first time in decades, the Horn of Africa is set to experiment with a relatively unchained hope for regional stability and integration. No doubt, the commencement of any hope, and conversely any fear, in the region …