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Horn of Africa

Getachew T. Alemu, For Addis Standard  Addis Abeba, November 23/2018 – The new government of Ethiopia, although still from the ruling EPRDF, has stirred debates in spaces as varying as diplomacy and entertainment. Its economic policy-making, being one of the main tasks of a government, has similarly been a hotbed …

During the first tripartite meeting in September, the trio have issued a four pillar comprehensive joint declaration, which included the establishment of a high level committee tasked to oversee the multifaceted collaborations included in the declaration.   Addis Abeba, Nov. 08/2018 – PM Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia, President Isaias Afwerki …

 Ezekiel Gebissa, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, October 17/2018 – Ethiopia is in the midst of a political transition. There is genuine elation that the rule of violence has ended and a democratically elected government is in the offing. Yet, there is collective anxiety that this transition could become another …