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Mental Health

Addis Abeba, August 31/2021 – The conflict that has spread across five woredas (districts) of the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara region in March displaced 246,000 people, according to the Zone Disaster Prevention and Food Security Programme Coordination Office. So far, 210,000 people have returned to their homes, while the rest are still staying in shelters and with host communities.   Hana and her grandparents …

By Sosena Kebede, MD, MPH Addis Abeba, August 11/2020 – Trauma is pervasive in many societies and it has intergenerational health implications. Trauma is not a phenomenon that is solely experienced by people in war zones, torture chambers and natural disasters, or isolated to the experience of physical and sexual …

By Maji Hailemariam, MSW, PhD @MajiHailemariam Addis Abeba, June 02/2020 – Bekele, who suffers from a mental illness, hails from a small rural town in the Gurage zone. He lives with his sister, her husband and their three children. “When the illness starts, he does not communicate with people. He …