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By Maji Hailemariam, MSW, PhD @MajiHailemariam Addis Abeba, June 02/2020 – Bekele, who suffers from a mental illness, hails from a small rural town in the Gurage zone. He lives with his sister, her husband and their three children. “When the illness starts, he does not communicate with people. He …

By Belete A. Desimmie (MD, PhD) @adbelete Addis Abeba, June 02/2020 – Today’s Ethiopia is suffering from three major ailments that are challenging its immune system rendering it ever more vulnerable. The trilemma metaphor provides a perfect framing for strategic thinking and the need to take one ailment at a …

By. Zelalem H. Mekuria & Filimon M. Haile Addis Abeba, June 01/2020 – Unprecedented in the history of mankind, the natural course of COVID-19 pandemic is being documented in real-time and that is not without its challenges. The constant barrage of misleading contents on social media and increasing tendencies of …