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Sosena Kebede, MD, MPH, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, March 24/2020 – Health risk communication is a type of communication health experts provide to people who face threats to their health or social wellbeing. This type of communication requires more than language proficiency and more than subject matter expertise. The …

Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba, March 24/2020 – The office of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed proposed a US$150 billion emergency financing package for Africa to combat the spread of COVID-19 as Ethiopia confirmed 12th patient who tested positive for the virus. In a statement released this morning, PM Abiy forwarded three …

Belete Ayele (@adbelete), Tinsae Alemayehu (@tinsaetigist) and Fitsum Tilahun (@fitse_t), For Addis Standard  COVID-19: A Once-In-A-Century Pandemic Addis Abeba, March 23/2020 – A pandemic is a global outbreak of disease caused by a novel pathogen that spread between people because of little to no pre-existing herd immunity. Coronavirus disease 2019 …