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Belete A. Desimmie @adbelete, (MD,PhD), FitsumTilahum @fitse_t  (MD), Tinsae Alemayehu @tinsaetigist (MD), and Ermias Kacha @ErmiasMd (MD) Global Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Addis Abeba, March 30/2020 – As the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic unfold, the pressing question for all of us, and particularly for the general public is when will we have …

Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele (@zemelak_a) For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, March 28/2020 – It has now been almost four months since the Corona virus – COVID-19 as it is named by the World Health Organization (WHO) – was first detected in Wuhan Province of China and several weeks since it was …

Addis Abeba, MArch 27/2020 – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights released a statement today in which the Rights body expressed its concerns about the continued shut down of Internet and telephone lines in western Oromia amidst the ongoing fight against the spread of COVID-19. “We are very concerned …