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Global Health Crisis

By. Zelalem H. Mekuria & Filimon M. Haile Addis Abeba, June 01/2020 – Unprecedented in the history of mankind, the natural course of COVID-19 pandemic is being documented in real-time and that is not without its challenges. The constant barrage of misleading contents on social media and increasing tendencies of …

By Arkebe Oqubay Addis Abeba, May 27/2020 –Africa Day this week is remembered at a time when the world faces an unprecedented crisis. Africa is not immune and has seen over 110,000 cases of COVID-19 and 3,300 deaths. To the surprise of many, African governments have taken bold and swift …

By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, May 20/2020 – In a joint presser given by the Ministry of Health and Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Dr. Liya Tadesse and Dr. Eba Abate, minister and director general respectively of the ministry and EPHI revealed that 66 COVID-19 cases were connected to …