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Freedom of expression

By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, December 09/2021 – In its 2021 report on the global status of press freedom, the Committee to Protect Journalists ranked Ethiopia among the worst jailers of journalists in Sub-Saharan Africa after Eritrea. The report that was released today revealed that in Ethiopia in 2021, …

By Addis Standard staff Addis Abeba, November 26,2021 – The state of emergency command post said in a statement, “Measures shall be taken against those who are indulged in activities to form a transitional government or any other form of administration outside of the constitutional framework.” It also prohibited the …

By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil  Addis Abeba, November 25/2021 – Kibrom Worku, the editor and head of the news department of Ahadu Radio and TV who was arrested by Addis Abeba police on October 22, 2021  the media reported that forces loyal to TPLF have taken over Hayik, a small town in South …