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Ethiopian Muslims

By Bileh Jelan @BilehJelan  Addis Abeba, May 10, 2021 – A Grand Iftar event organized by the Ethiopian-Muslim community of Addis Abeba, in collaboration with Halal Promotion Plc., was violently dispersed when security forces prevented thousands Muslims who descended on Meskel Square, a public space in the center of the …

By Bileh Jelan @BilehJelan & Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne  Addis Abeba, April 26, 2021 – Reports of the arrival of ethnic Oromo residents of North Shewa and Oromo Special of Amhara regional state at Adama Medical College Hospital in the city of Adama, Oromia regional state hundreds of kilometers away from …

Bileh Jelan Addis Abeba, December 21/2019 – An overnight attack last night in the city of Mota, east Gojam zone of Amhara regional state, left two mosques completely burned down and two more seriously damaged after having been set on fire by a group of people. The attack also targeted …