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Prosperity Party

Addis Abeba, December 10/2021 – The Council of Ministers, in its second regular meeting held today, discussed the draft proclamation establishing the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission and passed a draft proclamation establishing Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission. In a statement the office of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed released, it said that …

Addis Abeba, December 02/2021 – Takele Uma, the Minister of Mines said the ministry has donated 50 million birr collected from mining and oil companies operating in the Somali regional state to the regional president Mustefa Omer. The 50 million birr the ministry gave to the Somali regional state will …

By Dereje Gonfa @DerejeGonfa  Addis Abeba, December 1/2021 – Oromia region reported drought and death of thousands of cattle mainly in the Borana zone where people in several woredas in the zone suffered from severe food shortages resulting in death. The Bale zone, unlike Borana while suffering from drought, received …