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Oppostion Parties

By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, October 19, 2021- The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) issued a statement cautioning that the repeated attacks on civilians in different woredas of East wollega and Horogudru zones might lead to communal violence if the government doesn’t deploy security forces ‘immediately’ and ‘permanently’. The …

By Dereje Gonfa  Addis Abeba, October 12/2021- Addis Standard received reports from members of both the Amhara and Oromo community in Kiramu woreda of the East wollega zone. The testimonies received from members of both communities and a community leader reveal that violence broke out on Sunday October 10, claiming …

Please click here to download the PDF version of this special edition. By Guest Contributor Introduction Transition from authoritarianism to democracy is not a linear path and is vastly complicated process.[2] Indeed, the ousting of an authoritarian regime or its collapse and holding routine elections does not automatically translate to …