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Oppostion Parties

By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne Addis Abeba, November 30,2021-  Colonel Gemechu Ayana, a senior leader of the Oromo Liberation Army was yesterday arraigned at  court where prosecutors brought charges against him. He remains under police custody Six months after court ordered his release.  Colonel Gemechu was last brought to court in May …

Addis Abeba, November 25,2021- Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) issued a statement yesterday reiterating calls for peaceful resolution to what it called an avoidable war raging all over the country. In its statement the OFC listed steps to immediately be taken to salvage the country from disintegration and the entire region …

Addis Abeba, November 04/2021 – The first year, 6th round, 1st regular session of the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HoPR), has today approved the State of Emergency proclamation forwarded by the Council of Ministers on November 02. (Please see the full provision of the proclamation here). According to a statement …