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Balderas for Genuine Democracy

By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil  Addis Abeba, October 20/2021 – A hearing where prosecutors in Eskinder Nega’s file presented their witnesses at the Federal High Court, Lideta Branch, First Constitutional and Anti-Terrorism Bench took place today.  In the hearing, the prosecutor presented Nine out of 21 witnesses out of which only …

By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, August 17/2021 – The Federal supreme court cassation Bench yesterday decided to hold prosecutor’s witnesses hearing against the defendants in Eskeinder Nega’s file in open sessions. On June 29 the Federal High Court, Lideta Branch, First Constitutional and Anti-Terrorism Bench decided to hold prosecutor’s …

By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, June 29, 2021-The Federal High Court, Lideta Branch, First Constitutional and Anti-Terrorism Bench today decided to hold prosecutor’s witnesses hearing against the defendants in Eskeinder Nega’s file in open sessions.  In December last year, the Federal High Court, Lideta Branch, First Constitutional and Anti-Terrorism …