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By Bileh Jelan @BilehJelan  Addis Abeba, July 22/2021 – In a report that was last updated on July 20, 2021, the Afar Pastoralist Development Association (APDA) said that well over 50,000 people have been displaced as a result of ongoing fighting between Afar regional forces and forces loyal to Tigray …

Translation by Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12 Addis Abeba, July 21/2021 – Birhanu Julla, the Chief of General Staff of Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), delivered a televised statement on Monday, July 19, 2021 addressing multiple issues including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), reasons behind the withdrawal of defense force from …

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12  Addis Abeba, July 14/2021 – In a continuing escalation of the conflict between Amhara and Tigray regions signaling a full blown war between the two regions, the Amhara regional state issued a statement where it discussed current affairs and issued again a call to arms urging …