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News Analysis

By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, October 15/2021 – Dessie and Kombolacha, the major cities in the South Wollo zone of Amhara region extended the curfew that was imposed earlier in August  and added additional directives citing the security situation of the region as well as the IDPs stationed in …

By Dereje Gonfa  Addis Abeba, October 12/2021- Addis Standard received reports from members of both the Amhara and Oromo community in Kiramu woreda of the East wollega zone. The testimonies received from members of both communities and a community leader reveal that violence broke out on Sunday October 10, claiming …

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12 Addis Abeba, October 12/2021 – More than 4,000 cattle have died in the Borana Zone of Oromia region due to shortage of bi annual rain. Residents of the Borana Zone of Oromia region told VOA Amharic that cattle have died because of shortage of rain  in …