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Addis Abeba, July 31/2021 – Ahead of the planned visit by Samantha Power, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator, the US has announced additional $149 million to support the humanitarian response in Tigray state, where the UN said more than 90% of the population are in need of …

Translated by Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne  Addis Abeba, July 09/2021 – Nine trucks of World Food Program (WFP) carrying food aid en route to Mekelle, Tigray and Semera, Afar states, were forced to return from North Wollo zone North Wollo Zone of Amhara State, local authorities told Ethiopia Insider, an independent …

Addis Abeba, July 07/2021 – The UNOCHA says that humanitarian access has improved within Tigray, with large areas now accessible, allowing humanitarian partners to gradually resume humanitarian operations including food distribution, water trucking, medical supplies and farming seeds. However, the resupply of humanitarian supplies is critically needed, as is that …